First company established in Türkiye with the aim of spreading the nutritional benefits of nigella black seed superfood globally.
Launch of first product which combined the seeds with coffee, emphasizing the value of the seeds with eco-friendly packaging and contents.
Establishment of Nwork to grow and distribute the superfood more broadly across Turkey. Products started to sell rapidly through distribution.
The First Export - demand started to come from outside Turkey, with the business launching in Azerbaijan.
After interest from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan the business grew further expanding into these new markets.
Rapidly Growing Global Market - Products were being sent through micro-export to more than 60 countries, including the United States, South Korea, and Japan.
Global Market Challenges - In 2021, counterfeit copies of the products began to be released onto the market. Over 6.5 million dollars worth of counterfeit products were seized in 2020 and 2021.
We introduced blockchain to control the production processes and allow buyers and sellers to determine the provenance of all products shipped by the company. In early 2021, the formation of a blockchain team began, and within just one year, a team of 70 was established
At the beginning of 2022, the blockchain projects took on greater significance, and the project was renamed Nigella.